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What is the importance of evidence based practice in nursing?

Assessment Guideline

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

1. Discuss the concept of evidence based practice

2. Recognise the importance of evidence based practice in


3. Choose a topic from the given list. Identify the MOST

important issue from the topic and develop a guiding/

clinical (answerable) question using the nursing PICO(T)

clinical questioning model.

4. Locate the evidence and document your process

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

EBP Topics list

Falls prevention

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

Possible headings

• Introduction

• Problem and answerable question

• Locating the evidence

• Conclusion

• References

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice


• Introduce topic – EBP

• Context/significance to nursing (definition/context will likely

be referenced)

• Purpose ‐ the purpose of this assignment

• Structure – briefly outline the steps of the process

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

Problem and answerable question

• Justify the problem/topic that you had chosen and explained why is it important

to address.

• Give some background on why you choose this topic and include your

answerable question in a question format.


Pressure ulcers pose significant pain, discomfort to the patients. They can increase healthcare costs for patients as well as the health care system. Nurses spend additional time to treat PU in addition to their load of care (Cite reference, Year the research was done).

The above is only an example. There are many phrases/transition words you can use.

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

Locating the evidence

• Explain/document your search strategy/your process to find the evidence/best

practice for your question

• Thread the process through your essay and reference where needed

• What is the strategy/plan for your search?

• Key concepts/word combinations etc.

• You can use Google Scholar to get an overview and help key words but you

must use the nursing databases – at least 2 or 3 databases (e.g. CINAHL, Medline,

Joanna Briggs, Cochrane library)

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

Locating the evidence

• Indicate how you have refined your search limits (peer reviewed, guidelines, date

range, language, etc)

• Skim/scan search results for key word. At this stage you will not read in depth

every article.

• Explain how you have chosen what to keep/discard.

• Refine search results to eventually get a small pool of articles or guidelines

(no set number but around 2-5 will give you enough to appraise without going

too big.)

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice


• Restate the topic

• Summarise the key points/process covered.

• Introductions are general, conclusions are more specific

• Finish with a broader statement – where to from here?

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice


• Only use scholarly, credible sources from library databases

• Majority should be peer reviewed journal articles, systematic reviews or clinical


• Cite contemporary sources not older than 7 years

• Reference any ideas that are not your own

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice

Academic writing style

Write in third person – no “we”, “you”, “I”, “our”.

Example of third persons: “The writer”, “The author”, “The researcher”

This essay will discuss……………..

Academic writing is formal, objective, accurate

Your idea should be linking narrative, “academic voice” and the evidence.

Write in paragraphs with clear ideas sentences.

Reference any ideas that are not your own.

Paraphrase not direct quotes.

HS2235 Statistics and Evidence-based practice


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