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the genetic transmission and resulting pathophysiology of a specific disease/disorder of interest to the Advanced Practice Nurse student.

the genetic transmission and resulting pathophysiology of a specific disease/disorder of interest to the Advanced Practice Nurse student..  Genetics Paper




Purpose:  To provide an opportunity to explore the genetic transmission and resulting pathophysiology of a specific disease/disorder of interest to the Advanced Practice Nurse student.


General Guidelines:  Select a disorder/disease state that is a result of a genetic alteration. This is a formal paper, formatted and referenced per APA guidelines. The paper should be no more than 3 pages (excluding title page and references).  Content that exceeds the 3 page limit will not be graded.


Include a minimum of 3 references – the McCance & Huether text is a starting point and is NOT included in the 3 references and may not be included in citations.  You may not use direct quotes.


The paper should reflect your synthesis and understanding of the information.  References should be dated within the previous 5 years.    Papers submitted after the due date will not be accepted for grading or feedback and will receive a grade of zero.


The information below indicates the areas of content expected to be included in the paper.


Guidelines/Grading Criteria


I. State why the specific genetic disorder was chosen for the paper.  **Please note that in this section use of a personal pronoun is acceptable to state why the topic was selected.** (5 pts)


II. Describe the genetic disease/disorder, including incidence/prevalence across genders and ethnic groups, and specific populations/ages at risk/affected.  Include the specific gene/locus affected, patterns of transmission (e.g. parent to child; affected individual to their children), and risk of transmission each pregnancy. (20 pts)


III. Explain how the genetic defect alters normal physiology and how the genetic alteration manifests.  (35 pts)


IV.  Describe how the genetic alteration is diagnosed and tested before and following birth.  (10 pts)


V. List 3 specific teaching points to provide a patient/family regarding the genetics of the disease/alteration (may use bullet points for this content).  May include genetic transmission, counseling, specific resources available, life expectancy, etc.  Does not include manifestations, therapy, treatment options.  (15 pts)


VI. Present information in a scholarly manner (clear, grammatically correct) and reflect synthesis of information from sources. Includes UTA title page.  Use APA format for headings, citations and references.  Conforms to 3 page length.  (15 pts).

the genetic transmission and resulting pathophysiology of a specific disease/disorder of interest to the Advanced Practice Nurse student.


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