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Project On Acid Rain In Your Neighborhood And The Effects On Plants

Project On Acid Rain In Your Neighborhood And The Effects On Plants.


Choose ONE topic to write 5 pages essay include the cover page and reference page. Your paper should be written according to the APA guidelines. Please see link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/.

Topics to choose from:

  • The chemistry of diet sodas and the effect on bone structure
  • Acid rain in your neighborhood and the effects on plants
  • The power of fluoride in community water
  • Plastics packaging and its effects on food stuffs
  • Turning yeast into a biofuel
  • Using sugar for batteries
  • Organic food vs. Pesticides
  • Chemical signals from medications
  • Chemicals that trigger food allergies

Project On Acid Rain In Your Neighborhood And The Effects On Plants


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