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Philosophy Homework Help

Philosophy Homework Help. Introduction to logic Answer all the questions following the instructions. 1. Short essay response: Why does analogical reasoning break down when trying to bridge the divide between fact and value

Introduction to logic 

Answer all the questions following the instructions. 

1. Short essay response:

Why does analogical reasoning break down when trying to bridge the divide between fact and value? Or science and religion? Length length 400 words

2. The Alaska State budget is based primarily on the income from oil. The current price of oil is below all projections used to plan the budget and this is going to have devastating effects on the operating budget. Describe what factors should be considered in remedying the budget crisis we are going to face. How would you go about solving this? Taxes? Cuts? Using the Permanent Fund Dividend? Can you think of other sources of income for the State?  length 350 words



See Peirce for a discussion on this.

Length 250 words

Philosophy Homework Help


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