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Order 1379296: Illnesses Linked To Toxic Chemicals

Order 1379296: Illnesses Linked To Toxic Chemicals.

  • Type of paperEssay (Any Type)
  • SubjectChemistry
  • Number of pages2
  • Format of citationMLA
  • Number of cited resources0
  • Type of serviceWriting

Rewrite essay only using sources in the files sent when rewriting, as well MAKE SURE that it NOT copyrighted/plagerised, and please answer the points that I mention below: A brief introductory explanation of the science involved in your issue. A discussion of the potential impact of this issue on an area of personal interest to you. A statement of your own position on this issue. What do you believe? What are your concerns? Why is it important? A recommendation for a specific action (example: recommendation to implement a carbon tax to help reduce carbon emissions, changes in the regulation of a specific compound, etc.) Your letter will need to be written using correct English language and mechanics. In particular, it should be between 250 and 500 words, not including heading, addresses, and/or bibliography be composed of complete sentences utilizing good grammar, spelling and punctuation Remember the following as you write your letter: Write the letter in your own words. Keep it concise (get to the point quickly). Make it interesting (include an attention-getting example or illustration). Make it personal (why does this issue matter to you?). Be confident (you may know more than the elected official about the topic). Be polite and take a firm position. These files please read one of them (recommended the document name 3), so you know the firm position that it is talking about

Order 1379296: Illnesses Linked To Toxic Chemicals


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