New Perspectives On HTML5 And CSS3, 7th Edition – Tutorial 3 – Case Problem 1.
Complete the following:
1. Using your editor, open the sp_home_txt.html and sp_layout_txt.css files from the html03 > case1 folder. Enter your name and the date in the comment section of each file, and save them as sp_home.html and sp_layout.css respectively.
2. Go to the sp_home.html file in your editor. Within the document head, create links to the sp_base.css, sp_styles.css, and sp_layout.css style sheet files. Study the content and structure of the file and then save your changes to the document.
3. Go to the sp_layout.css file in your editor. Go to the Window and Body Styles section. Create a style rule for the html element that sets the height of the browser window at 100%.
4. Create a style rule for the page body that sets the width to 95% of the browser window ranging
from 640 pixels up to 960 pixels. Horizontally center the page body within the browser window.
Finally, Karen wants to ensure that the height of the page body is always at least as high as the
browser window itself. Set the minimum height of the browser window to 100%.
5. Create a style rule to apply the Border Box model to all header, ul, nav, li, and a elements in
the document.
6. Go to the Row Styles section. Karen has placed all elements that should be treated as grid rows
in the row class. For every element of the row class, create a style rule that expands the element
to cover any floating content within the element. (Hint: Use the technique shown in the tutorial
that employs the after pseudo-element.)
7. Go to the Page Header Styles section. In this section, you will create styles for the content of
the body header. Create a style rule for the logo image within the body header that displays the
image as a block with a width of 70% of the header, floated on the left margin.
8. The header also contains a navigation list that Karen wants to display vertically. Create a style
rule for the nav element within the body header that: a) floats the navigation list on the left,
b) sets the size of the left and right padding to 2%, and c) sets the width of the navigation list
to 30% of the width of the header.
9. The hypertext links in the navigation list should be displayed as blocks. Create a style rule for every a
element in the header navigation list that displays the element as a block with a width of 100%.
10. Go to the Horizontal Navigation List Styles section. Karen has added a second navigation list that
she wants to display horizontally. For all list items within the horizontal navigation list, create a
style rule that displays the items as blocks with a width of 12.5% floated on the left margin.
11. Go to the Topics Styles section. This section sets the styles for a list of four topics describing what
the company is offering. Karen wants this list to also be displayed horizontally on the page. For
list items within the ul element with the id topics, create a style rule to: a) display the items as
blocks with a width of 20%, b) float the items on the left margin, and c) set the size of the left
margin space to 0% and the right margin space to 1.5%.
12. Karen wants the topics list to be well away from the left and right edges of the page body. In the
same section, create a rule that sets the size of the left margin of the first item in the topics list to
7.75% and sets the right margin of the last item to 7.75%.
13. In the same section, create a rule that displays the image within each list item in the topics list as
a block with a width of 50% and centered within the list item block. (Hint: Set the left and right
margins to auto.)
14. Go to the HR Styles section. The hr element is used to display a horizontal divider between
sections of the page. Add a style rule that sets the width of the hr element to 50%.
15. Go to the Customer Comment Styles section. In this section, you will create style rules for the
customer comments displayed near the bottom of the page. For the ul element with the id
comments, create a style rule that sets the width to 75% and centers the element by setting the
top/bottom margin to 40 pixels and the left/right margin to auto.
16. Karen wants the list items to appear in two columns on the page. In the same section, create a
style rule for every list item in the comments list that: a) displays the item as a block with a width
of 50% floated on the left and b) sets the size of the bottom margin to 30 pixels.
17. Every customer comment is accompanied by an image of the student. Karen wants these
images displayed to the left of the comment. Create a style rule to display the image within
each comment list item as a block with a width of 20%, floated on the left, and with a left/right
margin of 5%.
18. Create a style rule for every paragraph nested within a customer list item that floats the
paragraph on the left margin with a width of 70%.
19. Go to the Footer Styles section and create a style rule that displays the footer only when both
margins are clear of floating objects.
20. Save your changes to the file and then open the sp_home.html file in your browser. Verify that
the layout and appearance of the page elements resemble that shown in Figure 3-66.
New Perspectives On HTML5 And CSS3, 7th Edition – Tutorial 3 – Case Problem 1