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Human Resource Management homework help

Part 1: Research
Conduct  some independent research. Using Rasmussen and other resources, locate an  article that supports your personal values and professional communication  style.
Part 2: Reflect
For this assignment, you will use your critical thinking  skills and reflect upon your personal values and professional communication style.
In a minimum of two-pages (not counting the title page and  reference page) address the following:

  • Discuss how you will show your personal values through the  professional communication style you will use with clients.
  • Identify concepts such as boundaries, respect, body language, the role of humor and  support, and disclosure.
  • Explain correlations  between the student’s personal values and their own professional communication  style.
  • Incorporate one (1)  credible resource to support your communication style. Cite source used.

Use professional language including complete sentences and proper  grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your paper. Be sure to cite any  research sources in APA format.


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