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Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Write a 8 page essay on Orwells Animal Farm.There are various characters presented in this book with various character traits. Napoleon is one of the leaders among other pigs in the farm. He emerges as opportunistic and corrupt individual who benefits at the expense of other animals in the society. He always award special privileges to his fellow pigs and in most cases to himself. On the other hand, he does not show his interest on the strength of animals in the farm. This is because he neither contributes to revolution nor the formation of ideologies to necessitate liberation. He also mistreats other animals in the farm. This is depicted when he undertakes project of training puppies in order for them to offer private security. He, therefore, depicts political tyranny and dictatorship in the society (Tania and Kissel para 6).Napoleon representing the pig character is the chief character on the farm. This is because he represents the human frailties of any revolution. Orwell uses this character because he believes that although socialism is an excellent ideal, it is not successfully adopted because of unmanageable human nature. This is because at first, Napoleon seems to be a good leader but is later overcome by greed and power hunger (Tania and Kissel para 7). As the book ends, Napoleon does not support socialist state. His acts of renaming of the republic and instituting new version of commandment show dictatorship character. Moreover, this character is also evidenced when he commands slaughter of many animals on the farm for plotting against him.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help


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