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Discuss the relationship that pain and other factors can have on a person’s ability to mobilize independently.

..Pain that continues even after healing has occurred.

b..Pain associated with the musculoskeletal system may impair this function.

c..Pain of a short duration.

d..The fat layer beneath the dermis that provides support and insulation.

e..Largest organ of the body that performs many vital roles as both a barrier and as a regulator.

f..A collagen-based matrix with minerals laid upon it.

g..Controlled by blood vessels within the dermis.

h..Secretions of the eccrine glands in response to heat.

i..Controls bone formation.

j..Pain that is severe and associated with a sudden onset.

k..Outer layer of skin, prime function is to provide a physical and biological barrier to the environment.

l..Responsible for bone destruction.

m..Superficial pain is easy to locate because the skin has a higher concentration of these.

n..Have 300 bones primarily made up of cartilage.

o..Have 206 bones of various shapes and sizes.

Matching words












Discuss the relationship that pain and other factors can have on a person’s ability to mobilize independently.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length.


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