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Describe how an understanding of personality theory can be applied in a professional setting to improve an individual’s happiness, motivation, or psychological well-being

This assignment requires you to think about the areas of personality development in a broad sense and write a 4- to 5-page paper about how your understanding of personality development informs your understanding of the concept you chose (happiness, motivation, or psychological well-being).


To complete this assignment, first review and reflect upon the article you selected and read in this unit’s study. Then explain in 4–5 pages (excluding cover and reference pages) how your understanding of personality psychology thus far informs your understanding of one of the three concepts: happiness, motivation, or psychological well-being. Integrate into your explanation any limitations (weaknesses) in your understanding that you think are relevant. In addition, discuss how factors of gender, culture, ethnicity, and age can impact happiness, motivation, or psychological well-being. Describe how an understanding of personality theory can be applied in a professional setting to improve an individual’s happiness, motivation, or psychological well-being. Include a minimum of two scholarly references to support your argument.

Include citations as appropriate, using APA format (current edition).

  • Length: Ensure the paper is 4–5 pages in length (excluding title page and references page).
  • Organization: Include a title page, references page, introductory paragraph, body content, and concluding paragraph.
  • Citations: Include a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Format: Follow APA (current edition) guidelines for style and formatting.
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