Research Paper(APA Format)

Report Issue Final Project: Disaster Recovery ( Business Continuity ( Part 1: You are the IT lead for a small IT company in Florida that sells computers. The company just received one of the most massive orders from a high school on a government base to ship 500 desktop computers located in VA. A natural […]

Management Of Complex Systems

This chapter discusses the ability to study complex social systems based on a unique methodology of leadership and management. The authors begin by identifying some case studies that address the complexities in contemporary social systems for management (Jager & van der Vegt, 2015). An essential concept in the chapter is the relevance of social structures […]

ERM At General Motors

Chapters 30, 31, and 34(Attached) presented three mini-case studies on ERM and risk. Each one presented a slightly different risk scenario. Suppose General Motors wants to replace one of their traditional lines of vehicles with all electric models. How could GM use game theory to identify and assess the major risks to this decision? Identify […]

Kiosk Requirements

The library board wants to investigate self-service kiosks in more detail. They want to be sure that the kiosks will enforce these two rules: (i) a patron may not have more than 10 items checked out at any time, and (ii) patrons may not check out any materials if they owe $5 or more in […]

Evaluating Arguments

The first two steps in evidence-based practice are to identify knowledge gaps and formulate relevant questions. In this writing exercise, you will be doing just that, across three types of inductive reasoning. In addition, you will be applying evaluation techniques to determine how credible, authoritative, and reliable the arguments are. Scenario Imagine your boss has […]

Select an Experiment to Reproduce

Select a research paper that makes use of a mathematical/computational model to solve some realworld problem. It needn’t make use specifically of the mathematical concepts in these two courses, but the spirit of the research should be in the same ballpark. Consider the following when selecting the experiment you will reproduce: • Availability of the […]

Computer Security

Select any article or link from the Internet site listed below. Summarize what you have read in 3-4 paragraphs using your own words. Submit a one-page WORD formatted document as an attachment. Must Read Articles Question 2 Final Written Project Managing Information Security – Policy Assignment -FINAL WRITTEN PROJECT.docx (29.894 KB) Project Title: Creating Company […]

Data Leadership Briefing

Background:  You have been hired by a consulting firm. Your job is to work with clients on advancing the use of technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. You have been engaged by a client who specializes in web development. Specifically, this company provides web development services to other companies across many industries. The client is […]

Managerial Finance 4

Many managers do not understand the various ways that interest rates can affect business decisions. For example, if your company decided to build a plant with a 30-year life and short-term debt financing (renewed annually), the cost of the plant could skyrocket if interest rates were to return to their previous highs of 12% to […]

FootPrinting Paper

Lab – Footprinting This hands-on guide demonstrates how to conduct “Footprinting of a network” The best way to ensure your infrastructure is secure is to understand the steps an intruder may use to footprint a reconnaissance a network. Choose one of the below paths Easy or Hard provide screenshots and a summary of your findings,  “If you […]