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Business & Finance Homework Help

Business & Finance Homework Help. scan the article titled: “32 Artificial Intelligence Companies Building a Smarter Tomorrow” at https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence/ai-companies-roundup. Find a company that sounds interesting

scan the article titled: “32 Artificial Intelligence Companies Building a Smarter Tomorrow” at https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence/ai-companies-roundup. Find a company that sounds interesting to you, but one that no one else has yet written about. Find the company’s website to learn as much as you can about what the company does and its vision of the future. Also find at least 2 articles about the company. For your post, write a description of the company, when it was started and where it is located, what makes the company unique, talk about the company’s financial history, and similar. Then tell us where you think the company will be in 5 years – will it be successful or fail, completely change the world or fade into anonymity, etc.

Business & Finance Homework Help


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