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Biology Homework Help

Biology Homework Help. MIG Homework 1. What does MIG stand for? ________________ 2. What does GMAW stand for? ________________ 3. What does MAG stand for? __________________ 4&5. Name two gases that are typically used for G

MIG Homework

1. What does MIG stand for? ________________

2. What does GMAW stand for? ________________

3. What does MAG stand for? __________________

4&5. Name two gases that are typically used for GMAW ______, ________

6-8. Name the three methods of metal transfer that can be used during the MIG welding process. _________, _________, __________

9-11. Name 3 benefits of GMAW. ______________, ________________, ______________

12 & 13. What are the two main adjustments that a MIG operator can control?

______________, ______________

14. What shape is the Volt-Amp Curve for a MIG welder? ___________

15. What polarity is typically used by MIG welding? ____________

16. The polarity typically used by GMAW places the majority of the heat at what location? ________________

17. All MIG welding machines are classified as Constant ________ machines.

18 &19. Name two types of guns used for MIG welding. ______, ______

20. Name 3 common sizes of GMAW wire electrodes _____, ______


Biology Homework Help


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