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As a leader, how would you create a culture of change?

What strategies will you use in your new role in health care to review and critique. Strategies can come in many shapes and forms.Know there is a process to review and critique various types of literature. Look around on the Internet and in the library and find something that best suits your topic and the type of literature you will use. This is important to understand because next week an APA literature review is assigned.


One of our objectives this week is to assess stakeholders, team roles, and leadership skills needed to bring about change. Create a flow process (doesn’t have to be formal you can list it in steps) that shows how you feel each of these impact the implementation of EBP when it comes to change.


Nobody likes change” is a frequent comment, but creating a culture that allows for new ways of knowing takes a unique set of leadership skills. As a leader, how would you create a culture of change?Change can be one of the biggest challenges in an organization but even more so when the culture is not conducive and administration is resistant. Keep this in mind as you address changing an entire culture!


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